2011年6月14日 星期二

Hello! German police officers stand up to the Hungarian colleagues next?

The German police officers just 62 years old, they can go to retire, but is already starting salary of 800 thousand HUF and will not be dismissed. Therefore, some colleagues of the Hungarian demands Rüdiger Reedwisch difficult to understand, the leader of the largest German rendőrszakszervezet. But if the legitimate demands of the Hungarian rendvédelmisek find stand beside them, said the union leader, who is also the Presidency of the European Union is a member of the Police.
Zentai Peter: Can you imagine a situation in Germany or France, police officers and demonstrators against them orchestrated by the police authorities?
Rüdiger Reedwisch: Yes. Such can not happen. But I know that in Hungary and Romania, the situation was so intense the law enforcement personnel and the respective governments, so that it happens.

Z.P.: strike also converted. Know about this?
R.R.: Sure. But this is even more unthinkable in our country. Because there is no right to strike. The German alaptörvényből result of law enforcement personnel and non-members may not show sztrájkolhatnak. I hear the nearby Hungary, a German police officer from a very distant prospect ...
ZP: You also know that we have police officers retired early again like to re-activate, and they want to eliminate the early retirement?
RR: We a priori unknown to the institution of early retirement. A German police officer is required to work until the age of 62 years. Assuming he is healthy. Now that you have dug myself into this whole problem, not Hungary, but also because of Romania, the Romanian colleagues expert assistance is requested from the European Union Police - I realized that almost összevethetetlen a German, usually a Western European and Eastern European law enforcement állományos a situation.
The obligations imposed on us on us and the privileges it was immutable, flowing from the Constitution.
ZP: So my obligation is to the age of 62 before nyugdíjaztathatják themselves. What a privilege to have you, what is the charge?
RR: The fact that the police can not be dismissed. Never. Only when ordinary sins. This is a career here, which is literally the end of the normal life a living. The state - the law says this out - you never can take away this privilégiumunkat. In exchange, however - at least for the professional staff members - there is no possibility béralkukra, the topic of this Act to pay for overtime up to the order, clarifying every detail. The staff are not civil servants, non-police employees working in positions, however, this does not apply. They are not "life" of a body of work in law enforcement.
ZP: Still looking for that one policeman in Germany? Leave him much time acting?
R.R.: This rangfüggő. The vocational college after completing mandatory minimum of 3 000 euros (about 800 thousand HUF) should receive an initial police force. This gross amount, which is almost the same as are net, if we take the example a family man. I'm already pretty high level position, Director of Police (Polizei Direktor) my rank, I only have two superior. Accordingly, the salary of EUR 7,000 - per month. Retired and then - like every other police officer - this involves 71 percent of basic salary for me.

