2011年7月28日 星期四

A system developed by University of Zurich

Zentai Pálinkabírálók The Society was founded in 2006. Their members from the beginning training sessions, professional practices, judicial training sessions, participate in field trips, such as knowledge gained, which can be properly assessed, classified as a brandy.
Dr. Peter Rose in chemistry, the organization's president, said that its members professionally and impartially carry out the treatment.
- A system developed by University of Zurich, criticizing their specific props used, otherwise this method is used in criticizing the world's largest pálinkafesztiváljain well. Not only justiciary, but a professional can teach cooking brandy for the visitors. Pálinkafőzdéit regularly visit the area, provides recommendations to the distiller, and we try to prepare them to EU requirements - he said.
The secret of good brandy ask what Imre Novak, another member of the company's Her answer came fast: in particular the excellent fruit.
- This is the most basic things. Only healthy, full maturity, but not overripe fruit brandy cook. Best taken in the early hours, as soon as possible to make a clean barrel and pépesíteni. If at the same time there was not enough fruit, then a day or two a day should be added. The less time we gather, the more you get more spirit. The storage 20 degrees Celsius below the ideal. The mash megforr 7-10 days and more before fermentation, after fermentation as a cook. When the mash is heated to boiling point, the megindulásnál be careful not to start a fire, a strong spirit, because you can smell the exhaust steam will lose a lot. It is very important for the smooth and continuous firing. This is followed by refining, which is very time consuming. In this case, the requirement also applies to the boiler cleaned, and perhaps more importantly in the steady firing and distillation. One hundred liters of vodka distillation refining ca. 5 hours, may be faster, but lose quality brandy. The next step is to classify the product előpárlatra, and középpárlatra utópárlatra. The distillate may be disconnected because there are many harmful substances and gases, but be careful not to disconnect from it too much because you can throw away the good. Toward the end of the distillation is separated utópárlatot - Novak said Imre.
This is an important step in the fermentation pálinkafőzésnél - took back the word from the company's president. - The fermentation of two ways: spontaneous and strongly controlled. The spontaneous or traditional erjedésnél the fruit of wild yeasts and bacteria metabolize the sugar into alcohol, and the so-called irányítottnál. yeast. It is used in the company's members as well. The yeast is added in sufficient quantities, and by this we can control the biochemical process of fermentation, which is played back. The spirits, after which it is formed during the cooking, clean flavors, scents are typical and reflect the vintage. This year, for example. Peach was nice, but the sugar content was not as high, medium cherry in a little better, and it looks like it might be expected more from the circle - said the organization's president.
When the conversation was mentioned that in Serbia there is no adequate professional training. Fodor Laszlo, a member of the company, said that while the west form a chartered pálinkafőzőket Serbia, where there is no such qualification to acquire.
- This is a very big gap, so we are constantly striving to change that. Laszlo Boni Palic distillery would be suitable for this purpose, but it is not enough for us to want, it should be higher levels of control. The more people deal professionally cooking brandy, spirits are higher quality than in Serbia - Laszlo Fodor heard.

