Why can't we start drilling for the oil in Alaska we know is there? Why are we restricted as to where we can drill for oil in certain areas because the environmentalists want to save certain endangered species of wildlife? People are vastly more important than wildlife, I would think. Additionally, why can't we start using our oil reserves?
The price of gasoline keeps going up. It gets to a point where the companies that deliver goods of all kinds have to raise rates to pay for the rising cost of gasoline. So the companies that they deliver on behalf of have to follow suit and raise their rates, whether they are factories, stores or whoever receives these products. The buying public, in turn, has to face the rising costs. How? With a dwindling paycheck or no paycheck at all.
We know there are thousands of people unemployed all over the country; some people are losing their houses, living with friends if they are lucky; families are breaking up; and people are living in shelters. True, there are charities helping out. But having a job, holding your head high, keeping your house and feeding your family do mean everything.
Just think about it. Why do we have this terrible spiral crippling us when we have our own oil? We are one of the biggest users of foreign oil in the world. If we cut down on our dependency on foreign oil, those countries would have to eventually lower their price for a barrel of crude and we wouldn't have to be solely dependent on them. Think about that spiral.