Sounds, because the enlightened b?szme világhírnet acquired Debrecen Mayor Lajos Kosa mind! Today's morning show in the m1 reasons why blown tattoo of the Carpathians "genius", "the IMF's war of independence against the" Field, why initiate negotiations. Fidesz think-tank said that we "dozens of years," we are members of the Monetary Fund, "the shares in it, and even befizetéseinket it also ... If your circumstances change, you adapt to them."
Percussion is certainly convinced of the arguments, see below servile, but the new wind blowing Nazi üdv?skéje media empire, Gregory Huth put it slightly differently to see! Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories permeated his writings (surrender), the apocalyptic images projected to us! "The fight for freedom is often all fallen empires sank erosion started." (This dream, or somebody whispered to him? How will this nonsense? The French Revolution had failed, or won?)
The poker-faced publicist niche that fight for freedom revolution failed because "the Hungarian government finger pulled the money power." By "money power" which it characterized by "faceless, unprincipled, unsavory company ... cold-blooded hick, for them there is no ancient philosophy nor Christianity, humanism ... parasites of the value-creating work without adózatlanul ?sszeharácsolt incomprehensible size vagyonukkal manipulate the whole world ".
I think if you do not put it clearly Huth brothers, so everybody understands, even anti-Semitic uszításokra futballhuligán hungry, that relates to whom derogatory flags, who does not exist for the "Christianity". Forgot to mention that the Chinese, Japanese, etc.. money does not belong to the owners of that money power, their money but now they do not dare put állampapírjainkba. Perhaps the IMF conducted successful negotiations? We'll see.
That in this paper on the subject not only appear on the left brake characteristics idiot, I quote a few sentences from an interview by the Royal Bank of Scotland analyst with people, a certified specialist, Timothy Peter Zentai Ashsel made. (
"I think that the Hungarian government in the past concentrated on to become scapegoats, who can show off. The IMF appointed scapegoat - is baseless. This is a serious mistake and now must be paid in the country in terms of communicating the dumb money. "
I think the intention of the perturbation Gregory Huth, incitement and extremist forces were helping to power. Turn coat, along with fellow Communication. This is then paid for the price!