The Municipal Assembly by refusing to accept the municipal statute and legislative affairs committee recommendation that the Thurzo Louis Cultural and Education Centre statutes incorporate the fact that the Vojvodina Hungarian community priority institution, morally or even shortened the community and also the community center - said Laszlo Varga, Senta statute and legislative affairs committee member of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Senta organization press conference yesterday. Varga had been excluded from the MNT according to the representative of the involvement of the routing. Noted, however, the attitude towards MNT with only conflict, resulted in court cases. Varga stressed MNT practically rejected the contributions of the institution to maintain and organize a variety of programs.
The press conference continued in Baker, Z., representatives of the group of the Hungarian Coalition criticized the municipal budget amendment, which a week ago were discussed and voted at the Municipal Assembly meetings. As we reported our journal is a daily, a budget amendment was made because of the income tax is not elsejétől October 40, but get back 80 percent of the municipalities, including Senta too. Baker said, despite the fact that this amount is 32 million to increase investment in dináros előreirányozva, this budget does not show it. He noted that while some items have increased, while the development of the village are mostly those who fell. Baker said, I think this budget is still oversized and wasteful, and it deals with property tax also increased dramatically. He noted, since the tax rate or there has been an increase in market value of houses, for depreciation and amortization, or did not happen. She said the Senta municipality plus revenue from this as well, but he believes all citizens of the pocket expense is realized.