Andris Vilkssel of early elections after the ruling was stayed by the Government Finance in an interview with Peter Zentai Concorde's main blog. A source with the permission of took over the interview.
I read in an American study that you totally sold themselves to the IMF, the IMF is practically the gentleman in Latvia. Bábként you sort by any person. What do you think?
About us is amply reported in the press. But the people have the majority of people - Latvians, Russians alike - they voted us back to power. Why not?
Why not? This is the best care. For people not only European country to have suffered so much constraints than the lettországiak. Two years, fell by 30 per cent of the economy, quality of life even greater. So, maybe the world does not have a government that so many have been forced to sacrifice for the people, like yours. Then what happens? The people have voted themselves greater confidence than a few years ago, even the constraints put in place before ...
Big words: the I is marked by coalition parties of the leaders together, we stand before the people and told them in detail, what we what to prepare. This was the basis of everything. Prior to this, however, fully exposed to the real situation, which began an unprecedented public debate. This involved the employer, employees, media and economic experts row: residents, both foreigners, of course, to each party. In addition, our situation is complicated by the many major historical legacy of decades of Soviet occupation, processing, and many lack the confidence in the Latvian majority and the large number of Russian minority, the real and perceived government interference in Russian internal affairs.
Retrospect, I can not say anything like that is fundamentally proved that if such a small, in addition to historical reasons, an unheard minority saturated with feelings of European countries in an unprecedented attempt to kick-start economy, you will have the most backing from society to be achieved. We take this out in advance so we thought, but - maybe I can tell - not at all sure we do our job.
I was very surprised by the positive news coming from the country of both a political and economic ones, pénzügyiek. It is almost unbelievable. Is it a success (if this is true) other secret?
We have much more serious situation has developed, as in Hungary. The per capita debt in respect of - unfortunately - in fact, almost became world champions, European champions in any case. In Latvia, I think the media was one of the greatest service in order to more social upheavals, perhaps without the popular revolution - proved slow - takes place in the relative success of our national economy bailout. Never before has appeared in many professional and comprehensive article, documentary etc, in order to understanding the crisis, had never able to follow so closely the operation of the power of public opinion. The media is not spared, and still does not spare us, watching our every step, keeping at bay the critical behavior of political elites and the people in anger.