The convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Socialist Party faction initiated, requesting that the need of the agreement null and void and the
county would not give up assets.
The panel majority held, the agreement provides the county council's financial and economic consolidation.
The document was approved on the condition that constitutes a preliminary memorandum of understanding, and the institutions,
Transfer of property, and according to statutory provisions hitelátvállalás just happen - he told the General Assembly
President George Popovics (Fidesz-KDNP) to MTI.
The MSZP and Assembly representatives jobbikos posts by the President signed the Agreement of economic duress
AST. Winkfein Csaba (MSZP), according to the general meeting without authority, the President had no right to sign the agreement. The
Zentai jobbikos Plajner Psalm has requested that the General Assembly give proper authorization to the president and the document
re-signed with Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
At the meeting, George Popovics says the state is taking over duties from the county, this act of institutional assets. furthermore
by the State of the county loan portfolio, which is risk-free rate will reach four billion.
The Chairman reported that the Socialist Party's request at the October general meeting of the Board shall be submitted to the county
list of items of property and the carrying amount and the loan portfolio aggregation.
George Popovics said right after the Socialists and the County Assembly resolution also asks the government office and the PE
Supervisory nzügyi from those that occurred in this wrongdoing to the government regarding the signature of the Agreement