Peter Laszlo
The great tradition of the past decades, a plethora of Hungarian literature in Frankfurt könyvvásárok establishing recognition of the current row is now the 63 th was. In this year's - just like in the past few years - one of the main theme and the main trends of the continuing digitization, e-books were gaining ground. However, Peter Laszlo
This is the same culture, however diverse, exciting and novel setting than ever before. In addition, the Third World's economic growth draws huge crowds in the könyvkiadásba, just to mention China and India. The economic crisis has indirectly had an impact but the recent trade fair, where a slight decrease compared to last year the number of visitors, participants and stagnation, which is actually a decrease. However, there is no dramatic downturn.
Hungary - as noted - literature really became known in Germany, so the Hungarian booth and outside the borders of contemporary Hungarian literature is still the best of the works have been presented. The lack of public support but are now able to organize small-scale cultural events than ever before. The "protagonist", Garaczi Laszlo was Austria who recently appeared in German's latest book on the face and back face of the great Hungarian translator living in Vienna, Budapest, George was presented. However, "the times following the" stand in the Hungarian conference on e-books is one of the largest broker of such content Hungarian, Kossuth Publishing organization.
Peter Laszlo